I think it was a particularly hard task to begin with because the idea generation was very minimal. Once we had done a bit of research, we were then able to pull ideas from the work we discovered. We went off on our own to make some individual posters, and then came back at the end to discuss the best ideas and how we could bring them together to create one piece. I really liked the way two of our ideas came together.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
save less spend more
Today we had to work in groups to design a poster to promote the idea of saving less and spending more.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Today I came into college on a self directed research day! I made my 3rd illustrat

Aside from that I began my proposal and evaluation which were supposed to be 500 words each. I managed to complete the evaluation but I still have to do the proposal once my book has been checked and I am happy with the layout.
I think that I have had a very productive day, and I guess I'm kind of looking forward to my hand in, because everything is almost complete.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Layout for critique

We were shown how to use Quark the other day by Kit, she showed us how to make different layouts and how to add pictures and text to a document. We have been briefed to make a book of our journey through our text and image unit so far, so I have been working on pages for Poole and vernacular typography. This picture is part of my pre- lim spreads for my book:
Friday, 7 November 2008
Book Binding
So I have ben pretty busy trying to finish the rest of my project for the hand in next week,
Hannah showed us how to do book binding which was pretty cool, I think my favorite one was the japanese style of binding. Even though it was my favorite, it was the one that took the most effort to create.
Aside from that, I went round Winton and Bournemouth taking pictures for my vernacular typography project. so I managed to finish my photo-montages. Now all I have left to do is the editorial illustrations and annotations.
Monday, 3 November 2008
The last week has been looking back at all the projects we have done and seeing how close to finishing each part we are. I think my tutorial with Kit went well and let me see the standard of my working comparison to everyone else's, which was encouraging.
Today I had Pal, where we basically did some stuff on time planning, we were put into groups to help each other decide which, projects had more importance to others. I felt some of the stuff we covered useful, while the other stuff could have been better time managed by doing projects.
This week we have been taught how to use illustrator, I decided t
o start a side project of creating this sun-seeker boat with just the aid of illustrator. While som
e of it was fun, it was just mostly frustrating I also managed to corrupt the original file, which was a little annoying, but i think I almost concluded it well... (took me ages)

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