'Brand worlds explain themselves globally. They intrigue, excite and offer flexibility. They are a campaign, useful and engaging. They are everything a logo is not. Which is why the logo is dead.'-Simon Manchipp
I was reading the metro yesterday and came across this article about the branding of the euro 2012 championships. Simon Manchipp is a founder of the London-based design company 'SomeOne.' He used the euro 2012 logo as an example of how logo design was changing. He was amazed by the selection of backgrounds, textures, illustrations and ideas that support this logo.
The main inspiration for this logo was the authentic early 19th art form of wycinanki which was paper cutting both popular in Poland and Ukraine.

My question is...is there a way I can incorporate this into my professional project? I was looking at creating an identity, I know that I wanted to do something that could reflect an industry standard piece of work. Over this year I have found myself enjoying more screen based work. So maybe creating an identity concentrating on how I could make a logo that inspires creatives?
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