Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Planning and reflection

Yesterday I had a tutorial with Kit to see how I was getting on with my PPRD unit. After talking with her I feel a lot better about the direction I should be heading. We talked about the events of last week, and how I hadn't got the full story across in my blog. After thinking about it. It was really hard to concentrate on my work in Uni when stuff outside of it was worrying me.

Even though I got an extension for screen based 2, I decided not to use it. Because if I had used the weekend then I new I would have never done it because of other stuff going on. So like my last project I was under pressure to finish work in a short period of time, which was added stress on my part.

Coming up to the next project I want to stop this from happening again. I will do this by planning in advance, and maybe setting myself some deadlines which could reflect where I am at with my studies. I think if I sort this out now then I will feel a lot more at ease with the events I have encountered and will give me some experience of how I would deal with this if I was working for clients in the future.

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